Dublin Array Windfarm

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What is the Dublin Array?

German energy company RWE and the Irish company Saorgus, plan to build between 45 and 61 wind turbines on the Kish and Bray Banks – known as Dublin Array – 10km off the Irish east coast. Estimated to cost up to €1.5 billion, it is intended to create enough electricity for up to 600,000 homes.

An initial consultation was conducted online in October/November 2020 in advance of a planning application which the developers intend to submit directly to An Bord Pleanála in 2021. This planning process will be informed by the forthcoming Marine Planning and Development Management Bill. It will involve the production by the developers of an Environmental Impact Assessment for the project. There will then be an opportunity for individuals and groups to submit letters of support, objection or an observation to An Bord Pleanála, as well as an oral hearing.

Informing the community – Information evenings

Killiney Bay Community Council (KBCC) will do its best to provide updates on the progress of the Dublin Array project. KBCC will not be making any direct observations on the Environmental Impact Assessment as it does not have the technical expertise to do so. There will also be different opinions among individuals and groups on the pros and cons of the project. KBCC will, however, seek to maximise any community benefit funds associated with the project for our area and will explore the establishment of a Sustainable Energy Community to do so.

KBCC have co-hosted two information evenings, one in July and one in September 2022, alongside the Dalkey Community Council and Fair Seas, providing an opportunity for locals to come together and be informed on important issues for our shoreline and marine environment. Read more and watch the event recordings at the event links:

KBCC position

  • KBCC understands the need to decarbonise our energy sector. KBCC supports responsible and sustainable marine renewables developments, with the voice of nature resonating of not causing more harm than good to our environment and in this case, the marine environment. 
  • KBCC calls for the designation and implementation of Marine Protected Areas which should be decided before, or in parallel with, the granting of licenses of fixed turbines (and floating at a later stage).
  • KBCC calls for proper Maritime Spatial Planning based on an ecosystem approach and in line with Directive 2014/89/EU establishing a framework for maritime spatial planning, referred to as the Maritime Spatial Planning Directive (MSPD).
  • We support the position taken by all the leading environmental non-governmental organisations or NGOs in Ireland – SWAN, Fair Seas, Irish Wildlife Trust, Coastwatch, BirdWatch Ireland, Irish Whale and Dolphin Group, Friends of the Irish Environment, The Environmental Pillar and others.



The ‘Revitalising our Seas‘ report published by Fair Seas in 2022 identifies areas of interest for marine protected area designation in Irish waters. 

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